
  • across

    英:[əˈkrɒs]   美: [əˈkrɔ:s] 

    across 基本解释

    介词穿过; 横穿,横过; 与…交叉; 在…对面

    副词横过,越过; 在对面; 交叉; 斜对面

    across 同义词


    across 反义词


    反义词: alongthrough

    across 相关例句


    1. across的解释

    1. He couldn't get the idea across to the class.

    2. across是什么意思

    2. We got into the boat and rowed across.

    3. The river is 50 metres across.


    1. He lives across the street.

    2. We walked across the street.

    3. The TV series became popular across the country.

    across 网络解释

    1. 穿过:前缀trans的第二种意思是穿过(across)或到另一边去(to the other side of),相应地,超个人心理学就是研究经过个人到达超个人的历程,超个人心理学不是不研究个人或自我(self),而是将个人或自我扩展到更广阔的精神背景中.

    2. 跨过:Ana是指跨过(across)而eurys是指宽广的(broad). 这一定义包括静脉和心脏的动脉瘤. 颅内动脉瘤通常按照病因学和形态学进行分类. 其中大部分是原发性和囊性的,通常发生在Willis环动脉上的分叉部位,并且仅由外膜和内膜组成的薄壁.

    3. 横向:所谓预算(Budget)指的是在未来某一特定§ 与横向(Across)沟通的角色. 整体预算(Master Budget)又称总体预算, 亦可称为利润计画(Profit格系由市场机能决定与否区分为天然利润中心(Natural Profit Center)与

    In addition to the uses shown below, across is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘come across’, ‘get across’, and ‘put across’.
    除下列用法外,across还可用于come across, get across和put across等短语动词中。 词典解释

    In addition to the uses shown below, across is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘come across’, ‘get across’, and ‘put across’.
    除下列用法外,across还可用于come across, get across和put across等短语动词中。

    across 情景对话


    A:Is this the Central Park to East Market bus?

    B:This is the East Market to Central Park bus. Where do you want to go?

    A:To the Municipal Government Hall.

    B:Take the same number bus going in the other direction. There’s a stop right across the street.

    A:Thank you.

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