
  • long

    英:[lɒŋ]   美: [lɔ:ŋ] 

    long 基本解释


    同义词: extensive

    long 相关例句


    1. She was abroad for a long time.

    2. long

    2. He gave a long, tiring report.


    1. You can keep my book as long as you like.


    1. She longed to return home.

    2. We are longing to see you.

    long 网络解释

    1. 长的:-f 和-l选项会报告长的(long),或完全的(full)包含其他的细节的列表. UNIX系统提供一个nohup命令来使命令不被挂起. nohup命令是一组特殊unix命令的一个,这组命令被称为 prefix command(前缀命令),这个命令在其他命令之前使用.

    2. long:longitudinal; 经度的

    3. long:longitude; 经度;经线


    1. 长时间的;长久的;长期的
        Long means a great amount of time or for a great amount of time.


        e.g. Repairs to the cable did not take too long...
        e.g. Have you known her parents long?...

    2. (事件或时期)持续时间长的,花长时间的
        A long event or period of time lasts for a great amount of time or takes a great amount of time.

        e.g. We had a long meeting with the attorney general...
        e.g. She is planning a long holiday in Egypt and America...

    3. (多)长(时间)
        You use long to ask or talk about amounts of time.


        e.g. How long have you lived around here?...
        e.g. He has been on a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember...

    4. 篇幅长的
        A long speech, book, film, or list contains a lot of information or a lot of items and takes a lot of time to listen to, read, watch, or deal with.


        e.g. He was making quite a long speech...
        e.g. This is a long film, three hours and seven minutes.

    5. 超长的;过长的;拖长的
        If you describe a period of time or work as long, you mean it lasts for more hours or days than is usual, or seems to last for more time than it actually does.

        e.g. Go to sleep. I've got a long day tomorrow...
        e.g. She was a TV reporter and worked long hours...

    6. (记忆力)强的,好的
        If someone has a long memory, they are able to remember things that happened far back in the past.

    7. 始终;整个地
        Long is used in expressions such as all year long ,the whole day long, and your whole life long to say and emphasize that something happens for the whole of a particular period of time.

        e.g. We played that record all night long...
        e.g. Snow is sometimes found all summer long upon the highest peaks.



    1. 长时间的;长久的;长期的
        Long means a great amount of time or for a great amount of time.


        e.g. Repairs to the cable did not take too long...
        e.g. Have you known her parents long?...

    2. (事件或时期)持续时间长的,花长时间的
        A long event or period of time lasts for a great amount of time or takes a great amount of time.

        e.g. We had a long meeting with the attorney general...
        e.g. She is planning a long holiday in Egypt and America...

    3. (多)长(时间)
        You use long to ask or talk about amounts of time.


        e.g. How long have you lived around here?...
        e.g. He has been on a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember...

    4. 篇幅长的
        A long speech, book, film, or list contains a lot of information or a lot of items and takes a lot of time to listen to, read, watch, or deal with.


        e.g. He was making quite a long speech...
        e.g. This is a long film, three hours and seven minutes.

    5. 超长的;过长的;拖长的
        If you describe a period of time or work as long, you mean it lasts for more hours or days than is usual, or seems to last for more time than it actually does.

        e.g. Go to sleep. I've got a long day tomorrow...
        e.g. She was a TV reporter and worked long hours...

    6. (记忆力)强的,好的
        If someone has a long memory, they are able to remember things that happened far back in the past.

    7. 始终;整个地
        Long is used in expressions such as all year long ,the whole day long, and your whole life long to say and emphasize that something happens for the whole of a particular period of time.

        e.g. We played that record all night long...
        e.g. Snow is sometimes found all summer long upon the highest peaks.

    long 情景对话


    B:How (far/ close/ long of a trip) is it?


    A:It’s about 10 miles.

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